Draymond Green and Rudy Gobert after the neck grab incident on the court

Draymond Green and Rudy Gobert after the neck grab incident on the court



zalyDraymond Green and Rudy Gobert after the neck grab incident on the court



Draymond Green launched a hσt response after choking Rudy Gobert

Last week, Draymond Green was involved in an unfortunate event: he choked Rudy Gobert of the Minnesota Timberwolves. For this reason, the Golden State Warriors power forward received a penalty and, after criticism, he sent a sharp response.



Draymond Green broke out

The NBA had an episode as hσt as it was regrettable in the last week. Rudy Gobert tried to separate Klay Thompson and Jaden McDaniels in a tough game action; But it was then that Draymond Green interceded in a bad way: he put Gobert in a sort of necklock and was expelled. Of course the Minnesota Timberwolves man criticized him at the press conference.

Due to that public complaint and what was seen on the field, the league sanctioned the Golden State Warriors power forward with five games and a fine of $770,000 less in his salary – a product of the games that he will not play.

That’s why Green burst out: “It’s funny because before the game, I was telling myself that if Steph didn’t play, Draymond was going to try to get him ejected. Because every time Steph doesn’t play, he doesn’t want to play. It’s clown behavior. I am proud of myself for being the bigger man time and time again. And yes, he doesn’t even deserve me to put my hands on him.”

To this he added: “I don’t live my life with regrets. I come to the defense of a colleague. Any time. That’s what a team is. I pride myself on being a good teammate. That’s number one on my list, being a good teammate. That takes care of many things. “I’m proud of that.”

Green immediately focused on the criticism and held nothing back. “You listen to some people’s opinions, but I think for myself and that’s what matters. It’s 2023. You see this every day. What’s my comment on it? No comment”.

What the NBA said

The NBA authorities argued his decision with the description of the events, where they explained that “Green contributed to escalating an altercation on the court with an unsportsmanlike and dangerous grab.”

It was also Tyler Ford, head referee, who in conversation with The Athletic stated: “Both players (Thompson and McDaniels) were involved in an altercation that was not immediately resolved and their actions required an expulsion. Green aggressively put Gobert in a headlock and refused to let go. This is unnecessary and excessive conduct that meets the standard of a 2″ flagrant foul.