Ayesha Curry has posted a story update on Instagram

Ayesha Curry has posted a story update on Instagram with the caption, ‘Game day breakfast for my chooch’. The breakfast certainly looks appetizing!

Millionaire restaurateur Stephen Curry’s wife Ayesha cooks him a healthy meal before the Magic Match.

Ayesha Curry is very lucky to have many skills. Everyone in her family loves the idea of being a cook the most. Home-cooked food that tastes great! That’s something everyone would want. Stephen Curry, on the other hand, benefits from his wife’s cooking skills in a very different way. People who play sports need to watch what they eat even more, especially on game days.

Making food at home always tastes different. And when a healthy, filling meal is made with love, the effects are going to be great. Tonight the Golden State Warriors play the Orlando Magic, and Mrs. Curry wants them to win.

On game day, Ayesha Curry makes Steph a healthy meal.

She put up an Instagram story update that said, “Game day breakfast for my chooch.” The food does look very tasty! It looks like the meal has a good amount of carbs, protein, fiber, and other things. Ayesha has to be extra careful when making dinner for her husband.

The best player for the Warriors plays an average of 33.5 minutes per game this year. Chef Curry has carried a lot of weight for the team lately because of how things have been going. All of this would not have been possible without first getting enough energy.

It makes no sense to compare the life of an athlete to that of a normal person. When someone like Stephen Curry performs well, it means that their body is ready to handle tough conditions. Because of this, it also calls for a more balanced, healthy, and carb-heavy meal.

So that’s why his meal for game day has so many calories.

Stephen Curry makes it a point to eat 3000 calories before a game.

Last year, Steph’s businesswoman wife talked about how hard it was for her to get in shape, especially since she was trying to get as fit as her husband. Ayesha quickly learned that wasn’t the answer, though. Steph’s body has very different needs than a normal John’s because he follows a strict routine and plays sports.

For instance, in an interview he did in November, Curry said that one of his eating plans for game day was to aim for 3000 calories. This had pasta, rice, chicken, veggies, and salmon. We all know that he always eats pasta before a game. It’s interesting that even though Chef Curry eats more than the normal person, he still eats 600 calories less than the average American.

That just shows how much he wants to stay fit. Staying true to his goals has been very enjoyable for him. Stephen Curry is without a doubt one of the best NBA players right now. He hopes that Mrs. Curry’s healthy food and his own hard work will be enough to get his Warriors out of their current rut.