Setting aside Antony’s spins on the field, he is a good father and loving husband who always spends his rare moments of rest with his family

Setting aside Antony’s signature spins and flashy moves on the field, there’s a different side to the Brazilian winger that not everyone sees.

Beyond the game, he is a devoted father and a caring husband who places his family above everything else. Despite the demands and pressures of professional football, Antony makes it a priority to spend his rare and precious downtime with his loved ones.

Whether it’s playing with his children, sharing moments with his wife, or simply enjoying the quiet comfort of being at home, he cherishes every opportunity to be present with his family.


His commitment to them reflects a deep sense of responsibility and love, a stark contrast to the high-energy persona fans witness during matches.


For Antony, these private moments of connection are what ground him, providing balance and perspective amidst the hectic life of a footballer.